recrutement pichard balme scaled

Talents & Careers

Respect for people

A responsible company on a human scale

Pichard-Balme is a responsible company. Respect for human rights and the physical and moral wellbeing of employees is deeply rooted in our fundamental values and principles.
As a company on a human scale, we have strong and rewarding relationships with our teams. We have a strict policy of inclusion and we treat our employees fairly.
The professional growth of our employees is a priority to ensure the prosperity of Ateliers Pichard-Balme.

We work hard to combat all forms of discrimination and we make our workforce aware of the major challenges of diversity. Our workshops work closely together. We aim to highlight the uniqueness of each individual while challenging ourselves collectively.
Aware of the importance of striking a balance between personal and professional life, we adapt to each situation to find a mutual understanding. We believe in the importance of the mental and physical health of each individual, and our compassionate social policy is essential to the success of Ateliers Pichard-Balme.

Ensuring safety

Employee safety

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Site security

Access control and authorisation management, video surveillance, anti-intrusion systems, fumigation of the premises, thermal cameras, radar

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The safest and most suitable working conditions

Renovated and clean premises, modern equipment and updated machinery

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Risk assessment

Provision of PPE, detection systems for dangerous gases and leaking chemical liquids

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Increased fire safety

Fire safety system with reinforced detection in high-risk areas

Young talent

Working at Pichard-Balme

Pichard-Balme is committed to the conservation of French cultural heritage and to the use of the best new technologies. We are committed to passing on our expertise and our vision of luxury to future generations. We pay particular attention to training young talent through apprenticeships, internships at the Pichard-Balme Academy.

Our employees are made aware of the brand identity, respect for the environment and human values in order to prepare for their integration into our workshops. We then offer a stimulating work environment in which we value the opportunity to speak up and dialogue. Everyone is invited to share their motivations and aspirations with us in order to increase the number of career opportunities.

To maintain the dynamism of our teams, we regularly organise training. It is thanks to our partners’ unique know-how that we can guarantee the achievement of an exceptional product and service. On the other hand, it is also a good way to develop the skills of our talents so that they become more and more successful with us every day.

2023 Index

Gender equality

Wage increase rate gap

Gender pay gap

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Top 10 pay gap

15 15

Return from maternity leave